It appears as though the official toy buying season is upon us! Can it be that Christmas is only five and a half weeks away? Well, if you are looking for that slam dunk gift for your child of the nurturing sort, think of the Joovy, Just-Like-Mine line of toys. The one we feature today is the Joovy Pink Toy Doll Caboose. This stroller is actually made in a real stroller factory and is a miniature version of their Caboose line of strollers. It comes with the patented platform seat in back so your child can carry more than one friend (doll or stuffed animal) at a time. It has a big storage basket underneath for carrying the necessary extras. This stroller is larger and taller than most toy strollers on the market. It is extra durable and will be one of the toys you can stick away in the attic for grand children. The toy Caboose comes equipped with an infant car seat adapter which allows your child to make a travel system out of their stroller. The adapter comes with the stroller but the Joovy Infant Car Seat is another item in the line. We will discuss that tomorrow. The stroller will accomodate most larger dolls, specifically the American Girl line of dolls (20 - 22 ") The handle is 30" off the ground. This product ranks high in quality and value. Check it out at